
Posts Tagged ‘Stolen office supplies’

my-monkeyI’m gonna catch the little beasts one of these days.

We run two businesses out of our home; my husband’s trucking company and Paperweight Productions, my writing and design business. With two sets of books, invoicing and filing systems, y’all…I need office supplies. The problem is, I can never seem to find any.

I bought mechanical pencils for me. The points are always sharp. Boy howdy! And my kids the sneaky imps kept spiriting them away. Eventually, I gave in, bought both my children huge packs of mechanical pencils and myself a pack of plain yellow #2’s. Why steal Mom’s ugly plain pencils when you have nifty mechanical ones, right?

My ugly pencils are all gone again.

I have one — count ’em — ONE broken mechanical pencil with no eraser on my desk. It’s not as though the children have no supplies of their own, I buy them supplies all school year, plus keep a community drawer in the kitchen. But no, they prefer to raid my home office.

Looking around, I see that my big eraser is gone. My good ruler has departed and in its place is a clear one that’s hard to read with edges so pitted it doesn’t make straight lines. My stapler is empty, my tape is almost gone, my sharp office shears have a notch in one blade and I’m almost out of printer paper.


I’m going to take a deep breath, count to 10, and think positive thoughts. Then I’m going to hurt somebody. 

Although oddly enough, I seem to have a never ending supply of paper clips. I have no idea where they come from, but I use them constantly and the supply never dwindles. Paper clips are, however, a poor substitute for writing utensils and printer paper.

If you should hear loud yelling at around 3:30 this afternoon, take no notice. It’ll just be me re-establishing boundaries. To wit, when my children get home from school there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I doubt I’ll get much out of their backpacks–I’ll have to stock up again. And this time I’m using Dexter the Dog’s method to settle territorial dispute:  I’ll just pee on everything.

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