
Archive for May 19th, 2008

I’ve been feeling claustrophobic lately. It seems like there are piles of things on every available surface in our home. Cupboards are stacked high with objects buried in the back. I have to move things to move things to get to the thing I want to move. And then put it all back.

It’s driving me nuts.

While on a cleaning tangent this weekend, I asked the girls to clean their room. They played the typical ‘shove everything under the bed’ game that at 9 and 13 they’re entirely too old to play–but frankly I was too tired to care. At least you can walk across the floor without impaling yourself on an earring!  I was temporarily appeased until I saw it.

The dresser.

I usually have the girls put their own clothes away, but for whatever reason I decided to do it myself. With an armload of Em’s freshly folded shirts, I opened the drawer to a wadded up, shoved together disaster.  Clean, too-wrinkled-to-wear items mating with a can’t-show-Mom-I-spilled-food-coloring shirt and a favorite pair of jeans that hadn’t seen the washing machine in weeks. Exasperated, I sputtered at my 9 year old daughter,

“WHY do I fold your clothes?!”

In complete sincerity she answered quietly, “I honestly don’t know.”



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